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Hello, I'm Caitlyn

My name is Caitlyn.  Somewhat perfectly, the meaning of my name is ‘pure.’ And I feel that’s really what my story is about. Returning to a place of purity, to the person I was created to be, to be sourced by the One I love and trust. My Father. 


It’s somewhat remarkable this deep knowing we can have of God, even seemingly before we “met," for me when I was saved at the age of 28 years old. The knowing is deeply personal, and forever eternal. It’s a knowing of true love, that we can’t replicate or duplicate. 

My Story

While I could share a lot of information about my life before returning to God, and my testimony of being saved, I think I might save that for a dedicated blog post. For now, if you don’t know my story, you can just know that I was a very lost and hurting soul, just like the rest of us, that answered the deep call of my heart to return to God.


Since then, my inner world has been changing, shifting, growing, and oftentimes hurting a great deal. I’ve always found writing to be a place of great release and comfort for me, and it’s my hope that this blog will be that also.


A place for me to actually witness my heart and the changes I’m going through, to acknowledge the truth deep within, and to grow closer to the One who’s been watching me figure this out all along. 


I pray this blog blesses you and gives you a sense of comfort and trust as you open up your own heart to explore the treasure within. 


God bless you <3

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