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  • caitlynpasternak

10 Journaling Prompts When You Feel Far From God:

Journaling has been one of my favorite ways to connect with myself over the years, and I think it's a real blessing to those of us who find clarity in reflection. Here's a list of some journaling prompts you can explore when you're wanting to soften into God's love, but are maybe feeling stuck in your own internal experience.

I think remembering that God is gentle and that He cares for us in our distress is really important when we're feeling distant. And that He wants us to come into a place of truth, which hopefully, we can remember as we let go of what's been getting 'stuck' in our hearts and minds and come to Him for help.

I hope you can meet Him in the quiet place today, and that every burden you've been carrying would be lifted, as you return to being like a child, and letting Him show you the way.

Here are the prompts:

  1. When was the last time you felt truly close to God? What do you remember about that time or experience? What did you sense Him speaking to your heart?

  2. What in life feels heavier and more pressing than your desire to rest in God? What feels like a burden your soul is growing weary of carrying?

  3. What’s a way that you typically feel closer and more intimate with God? Is it through prayer, writing, opening up with others? What might support you today in opening up to God?

  4. If there were a name for any wall, fear, or sense of hardness in your heart…. What would you call it?

  5. Write out five things that you feel are unresolved in your own heart (ideas, circumstances, emotions, etc.) Things you may be upset with God about that you can’t seem to figure out on your own. Practice letting them go.

  6. If God were your Father (He is), and you were His daughter (you are), how might that perspective change how you’re relating to Him in this season now?

  7. If God were working something good for you in your life now (He is), what might that be? How do you sense He’s growing you in this season?

  8. Who is one person in your life you feel needs an extra dose of attention, love, and care? How can you reach out to them and make your love known to them?

  9. When you think about the longings of your heart, what are they? Do you long to slow down and rest? To express more of the gifts God has given you? To experience more connection with others? Take a few moments to reflect on what your heart is truly longing for. God knows the desires and needs of our heart, and He helps us see and fulfill these deeper longings within us. Maybe, it's just more time with Him <3.

  10. What is one Scripture you can meditate on now to remember the truth of God’s love, care, and nearness in your life? Write this out, speak it out, and soften into the reality of His love. He is with you.

God bless you <3

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4 comentarios

17 nov 2023

I love this and I LOVE JOURNALING! It’s something that I would always make time for a few years ago, and I hope i can create more space in my day to day life to get back to this practice. God shows up so powerfully when I write and it’s one of my favorite ways to reflect on His goodness. Thank you for sharing these :) I particularly love 9 & 10

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18 nov 2023
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Yes I loved journaling too and now it’s taking such depths in my walk with God. He’s so good. I love you sister, thank you for your feedback and support. I appreciate it so much ❤️

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17 nov 2023

These are great, Caitlyn.

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18 nov 2023
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Thank you so much Andrew!

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